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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Wornal Sector

Bomis Koori System (K-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   three unnamed planets (presumably Bomis Koori I-III)

o   Bomis Koori IV

Colony world of the humanoid Koorivar species, Bomis Koori IV was loosely aligned with the Galactic Republic until the Clone Wars, when it allied with the Confederation of Independent Systems. Following the war, the planet came under Imperial control. In 6 ABY, the planet was liberated by New Republic forces.


Killaniri System (K-17)

·        Sun/Star: Killaniri

·        Orbits:

o   Mutanda

§  Mortav

§  Justa

§  Seldibia

§  Mutar-Horan

o   Killaniri

§  15 unnamed moons/satellites

Homeworld of the bipedal felinoid Horansi species, Mutanda was a lush world of oceans, rainforests, grasslands, mountain ranges, and forest. Primarily utilized as an exotic hunting resort world, the planet did house a sizable manufacturing industry. Mutanda was loosely associated with the Galactic Republic, and by the Galactic Civil War, came under Imperial jurisdiction.


Mutanda’s second moon, Justa, housed a small spaceport, primarily used as a shipping center for the nearby gas mining operations surrounding the gas giant Killaniri. The bulk of the system’s industry orbited Killaniri, with multiple corporations mining the volatile gases from the planet’s atmosphere. During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial forces held a sizable presence in the system to secure the operations.


Kriselist System (K-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Kriselist

An urbanized world, Kriselist was a minor Republic planet successfully defended from Separatist assaults during the Clone Wars. Following the war, Imperial forces razed the planet, leaving most of its ecumenopolis in ruins. The planet supported the Rebel Alliance until it was briefly occupied by Imperial forces following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. A couple years later, the planet was liberated by New Republic forces, joining the fledgling republic.

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