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Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Vorc Sector

Bezim System (J-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Bezim

Homeworld of a humanoid species by the same name, Bezim was a remote world that helped craft Station 88 with the other denizens of the sector. During the Clone Wars, Bezim remained a Republic world; however, its fate during the Galactic Civil War is unknown.

Junction System (J-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Junction V

§ Delaluna

A minor Republic world, Junction V came into hostilities with the denizens of its desert moon of Delaluna. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Jedi were dispatched to quell the tensions and Junction V and Delaluna were able to come to a peace accord, helping craft Station 88 with other inhabitants of the Torc Sector. Like their neighbors, Junction V and Delaluna remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Vicondor System (J-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Vicondor

Homeworld of the Vicon species, Vicondor was a minor Republic world that helped other denizens of the sector construct Station 88. During the Clone Wars, Vicondor remained a Republic world.

Station 88 (J-7)

Built by the inhabitants of the sector as the headquarters of their sector alliance, Station 88 came under attack by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, but were repelled by Republic forces aiding their members in the sector.



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