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Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Ojoster Sector

Bretta System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Bretta

Bretta was a remote planet that saw little galactic traffic.

Cardellia System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Cardellia

Cardellia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.

Denova System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Denova

Discovered by Republic scouts sometime during the Cold War, circa 3,650 BBY, Denova was a lush world of natural resources, including the ore baradium. The Republic briefly controlled the mining operations on the planet, however lost control when the Eternal Empire conquered both the Republic and Sith Empire. Denova and its mines remained in the hands of the Eternal Alliance following the collapse of the Eternal Empire.

Ferros System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o five unnamed planets (presumabaly Ferros I-V)

o Ferros VI

Ferros VI was a remote world utilized by the Galactic Empire as a prison camp during the Galactic Civil War.

Jebble System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Jebble

A frozen world, Jebble was originally an ice mining colony for nearby Taris, expanding its resource extraction across the planet with a sizable population. During the Mandalorian Wars, the planet was conquered by the Mandalorians.

The population was infected by the rakghoul plague, however, forcing Mandalorian and Republic forces to flee Jebble. Celeste Morne was placed in stasis, along with the Sith talisman responsible for the plague, but that did not prevent the spread of the rakghoul plague to other planets. It is presumed the world was left desolate following the evacuation of the few survivors.

Okyaab System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o five unnamed planets (presumably Okyaab 1-5)

o Okyaab 6

A frontier world of farmers and artisans, Okyaab 6 was a tranquil Republic world until the Mandalorian Wars, when the planet was invaded by the Mandalorian clans. The occupation lasted less than a week, as the local Okyaabi were able to rebel and repel the Mandalorians from their world, rejoining the Republic.

Ord Fanthal System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Ord Fanthal

A Republic ordinance depot as early as 12,000 BBY, Ord Fanthal was used by the Pius Dea for their crusades into that portion of nearby Wild Space during their reign of the Galactic Republic.

Pallaxides System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Pallaxides

Originally a privately owned world by investors using the planet as a resort world, Pallaxides came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War, though eventually was liberated by the New Republic, aligning itself with the new galactic government.

Suurja System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Suurja

Originally an agri-world for nearby Taris, Suurja was devastated during the Mandalorian Wars when invading Mandalorians launched a string of assaults on the planet, clashing with Republic and Jedi forces. Following the end of the galactic conflict, the planet remained a Republic world, though the local Suurjans were left to rebuild their homeworld on their own.

Talu System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Talu

Talu was a minor world that came under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War.

Taris System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: Taris

· Orbits:

o four unnamed planets

o Taris

o Taris Asteroid Belt

§ Rogue Moon

An independent world that grew wealthy over centuries of being situated along major trade routes connecting the core worlds to the Outer Rim territories, Taris developed into an ecumenopolis around 5,100 BBY, being seen as the Coruscant of the Outer Rim. Over time, however, Taris’ economy floundered due to overpopulation and new trade routes being established.

Around 4,056 BBY, the lower class of people attempted a civil war against the ruling upper class. They were ultimately unsuccessful and banished to the lower parts of the nearly planet-wide city. Taris officially joined the Republic shortly after the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars in the sector, raising a Jedi base in 3,976 BBY to help counter the Mandalorian invaders.

Taris remained in Republic hands throughout the war but found itself an island in the expanding territory of the new Sith Empire under Darths Malak and Revan. During the Jedi Civil War, Taris came under Sith control during the Jedi Bastila Shan and amnesiac Revan’s refuge on the planet. Taris was concurrently struggling against the rakghoul plague brewing in the Lower City following the Mandalorian Wars, but ultimately it was the Sith bombardment of the entire planet that collapsed the planet into a dark age.

Three centuries later, during the Cold War, Taris became a proxy between Republic and Sith forces, when the Republic attempted to revitalize the planet and fully cure the rakghoul plague still lingering on the broken world. Republic efforts to rebuild Taris paid off over the millennium and Taris briefly returned to its former glory as a Republic member world.

By the time of the Clone Wars, though, Taris had returned to its pre-Mandalorian Wars “faded glory” state, opting to remain neutral during the galactic conflict. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire initially ruled Taris, until the New Republic rose to prominence and replaced the Empire as the primary galactic government. The Yuuzhan Vong briefly occupied the planet, but Taris soon rejoined the reconstituted Galactic Alliance, remaining a member during the Second Galactic Civil War.

Tarnith System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Tarnith

A resource world for nearby Taris, Tarnith joined the Republic along with their parent world during the onset of the Mandalorians invasion of the sector.

Wayland System (N-7)

· Sun/Star: Wayland

· Orbits:

o Wayland

Homeworld of the Psadan and Mynehrsh species, Wayland was a lush, subtropical world discovered by Republic scouts millennia before the Jedi Civil War. During the Mandalorian Wars, Wayland was a member world of the Republic and acted as a medical field hospital for the region during the conflict.

In the millennia following the Old Sith Wars and New Sith Wars, Wayland would be lost and forgotten, being rediscovered by Darth Sidious before his orchestration of the Clone Wars and rise as emperor. Though coming under CIS jurisdiction during the Clone Wars, it was kept under strict quarantine.

During the Galactic Civil War, Emperor Palpatine utilized the planet as his secret clone facility. Eventually the planet came under New Republic control, its clone facility destroyed, and the planet repurposed as the Noghri’s new homeworld. The was brutally subjugated and mutated by Yuuzhan Vong terraforming during their invasion of the galaxy, the effects on its ecosystem still present a century later during the Second Imperium Civil War.

Xartun System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Xartun

A minor transparisteel manufacturing world in the region, Xartun initially came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War, however, became a New Republic world in 7 ABY.



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