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Jason Dietzel

Galaxy Tour: Mid Rim: Var Hagen Sector

Ch’manss System (M-17)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Ch’manss

Ch’manss was a remote world in the sector loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars.


K’vath System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   at least four unnamed planets

o   K’vath 5

§  Alakatha

§  multiple unnamed moons/satellites

o   unnamed asteroid belt

Colonized by Republic settlers as early as 8,000 BBY, K’vath 5 remained aligned with the Republic through the Clone Wars, transition into an Imperial world following the government’s reorganization. Following the Battle of Endor, the planet eventually became a member of the New Republic.


Its primary moon, Alakatha, was a semi-tropical resort world for Coruscanti elites and bureaucrats.


Lanthe System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Lanthe

Situated along a major hyperlane route, Lanthe was a minor Imperial world during the Galactic Civil War.


Opiteihr System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star:

o   Dal

o   Kalnus

o   Opiteihr

o   Terax

·        Orbits:

o   Krann

A lush world of jungles, oceans, plains, and mountain ranges, Krann was in a rare quaternary star system. Colonized as a mining world in the waning centuries of the Republic, the planet was subjugated by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.


Ventran System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Ventran

Situated along a local hyperlane route, Ventran was a minor Republic world come the time of the Clone Wars.


Vogel System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   six unnamed planets (presumably Vogel 1-6)

o   Vogel 7

A remote system in the sector, Vogel 7 was a minor Republic world that housed a small naval academy. During the Galactic Civil War, the facility acted as an Imperial navy academy, and subsequently a New Republic naval academy.


Vondarc System (M-16)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Vondarc

Mostly an oceanic world with large forested, mountainous island chains, Vondarc was annexed by the Republic circa 900 BBY. During the Clone Wars, the planet came under Separatist control, eventually coming under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War.



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